7 Ergebnisse für: 19411945
Geschichte der Sowjetunion, 1917-1991: Entstehung und Niedergang des ersten ... - Manfred Hildermeier - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Offermann-Hergarten-Preis 2010 für Regina Mühlhäuser
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Oahu's Narrow-Gauge Navy Rail - Jeff Livingston - Google Books
US Navy rail operations on Oahu began in 1908 with construction railroads used to help build the shipyard. Expansion of Pearl Harbor to include the submarine base and the naval magazine on Kuahua Island required a permanent railroad, which was begun in…
The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918-2005 - Sabrina P. Ramet - Google Books
Yugoslavia exploded onto the front pages of world newspapers in the early 1990s. The War of Yugoslav Succession of 1991–1995 convinced many that interethnic violence was endemic to politics in Yugoslavia and that the Yugoslav meltdown had occurred because…
The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918-2005 - Sabrina P. Ramet - Google Books
Yugoslavia exploded onto the front pages of world newspapers in the early 1990s. The War of Yugoslav Succession of 1991–1995 convinced many that interethnic violence was endemic to politics in Yugoslavia and that the Yugoslav meltdown had occurred because…
Exil im Krieg 1939–1945 - Google Books
Mit dem Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs setzte für die aus dem nationalsozialistischen Machtbereich Geflüchteten eine neue Phase der Bedrohung ein. In den Ländern, die ihnen bislang Schutz gewährt hatten, wurden sie nun zu »feindlichen Ausländern«.Die…