8 Ergebnisse für: 2.012.236
Petter Amundsen plays "Toccata for Organ" by Jon Kristian Fjellestad - YouTube
Lillestrom kirke april 2009. Camera and edit by Svend Even Hærra Kort test ikke en ferdig film, film opptak tatt under lyd opptak kunne ikke bevege meg mye, ...
Cephas & Wiggins - Freight Train - YouTube
John Cephas & Phil Wiggins playing Freight Train Caroll Arts Center - Westminster, MD 6 Jan 2007
Bach - Julia Hamari - Matthäus Passion - Erbarme dich - YouTube
It goes deep into your soul. It is the most beautiful involvement of a interpreter with a work. She was in a trance. She was out of this world. No words. Jus...
Helen Traubel Sings Strauss' "Zueignung." 1945 - YouTube
Traubel's voice was ideally suited to Strauss, as it was to Wagner.
Tin-Shi Tam plays Iowa State University's carillon - YouTube
Here's an excerpt of Tin-Shi Tam, the carillonneur at Iowa State University in Ames, playing the 50 bells from the keyboard room in the Campanile tower. (I t...
Shura Cherkassky plays Paul Pabst's Paraphrase on Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin - YouTube
'Live' from Cherkassky's 80th birhday recital in Carnegie Hall
Daniel Roth - International Albert Schweitzer Award 2014 - YouTube
Komitee zur Verleihung des internationalen Albert-Schweitzer-Preises: · Association Internationale pour l'Oeuvre du Docteur Albert Schweitzer de Lambaréné/In...
Grigory Sokolov - Live in Paris - YouTube
A dim light picks out the outlines of the hall. Suddenly a massive shadow appears and moves swiftly over to the keyboard. There follows the vaguest of unsmil...