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Dⓐniel Mietchen auf Twitter: "Places #nearby that are the topic of publications indexed in #Wikidata: https://t.co/Ee7gduheoX #WikiCite #neighborhood"
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Forest Gregg auf Twitter: "wikidata is v. cool. here are companies owned by Disney: https://t.co/SHoeNnb0WN"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Long-running noble families: https://t.co/rQJiWicOtl – timeline: https://t.co/TMbgL5NTk8"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "The most popular eye colors are blue, brown, and green. Bubble chart: https://t.co/hY0aTsBgPN Table: https://t.co/imdzcgaTaH"
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robbi5 auf Twitter: "Wikidatas Query Service can now select by category \o/ Search for metro stations in DE with public domain images: https://t.co/L4J3sHU8yD"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Countries with most cities named after saints: UK, Netherlands (10), Hungary (8) – https://t.co/WdJn3nSnrj (data may be incomplete)"
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derechoaleer auf Twitter: "Dramaturgos fallecidos en 1947, que entran en Dominio Publico en 2018, ordenados segun popularidad en wikipedia (nº de articulos en wikipedias de diferentes idiomas) https://t.co/SEeUxCifLj… https://t.co/jxiEqbWPdA"
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Jérôme Tamarelle auf Twitter: "Y a des "saint" partout – 13% des 38512 communes de France https://t.co/l4bURF2MdW… "
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Cities with most first performances of works: Paris (156), Milan (63), Budapest (56), Leipzig (52), Vienna (51). https://t.co/BPUfmcsCB1"
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- ̗̀~~/|\~~ ̖́- auf Twitter: "Lieu de naissance des 72 candidats à la présidentielle française depuis 1958 : https://t.co/rtwL6sHL6H #Wikidata"
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