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107 Düsseldorf I
Landtagswahlen, Bundestagswahlen, Europawahlen und Kommunalwahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Divine Comedy - Gin Soaked Boy - YouTube
Divine Comedy - "Gin Soaked Boy" Video Lyrics
The perfect sine graph - YouTube
How to use Inkscape to produce a very accurate sine graph.
The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - The Land of Promise - YouTube
Name: The Land of Promise Year: 1935 Duration: 00:58:26 Language: English Abstract: The definitive pre-state portrayal of the developing Jewish national home...
Anthony Grafton: "Codex in Crisis" | Talks at Google - YouTube
The Authors@Google program welcomed Anthony Grafton to Google's New York office to discuss his book, "Codex in Crisis" From the book jacket: "The growth of t...
Prof. Ugur Ungor on Property Confiscation during Armenian Genocide (April 30, 2012) - YouTube
The Genocide Education Project (GenocideEducation.org) hosted a presentation by Prof. Ugur Ungor. Ungor's lecture was based on his two recent books, "The Mak...