119 Ergebnisse für: 22,32
Reforming Mexico's Agrarian Reform - Google Books
This work provides a survey and analysis of Mexico's agrarian reform, covering topics such as the agricultural provisions of NAFTA. The book also discusses the events in Chiapas that are crucial to Mexico's current political situation and the implications…
Kære onkel Hitler: Udvalg af breve til Adolf Hitler fra det tyske folk i ... - Henrik Eberle - Google Books
Til vores ærede Fører! Vores lille Rita vil gerne hilse Føreren med et Heil! Derfor tillader vi os at sende et billede af hende, hvor hun løfter hånden til den tyske hilsen. Hun er 10 måneder og den yngste af fem søskende. Når man viser hende et billede af…
Women & Guns: Politics and the Culture of Firearms in America - Deborah Homsher - Google Books
This timely and provocative book looks at contemporary American women and their experiences with guns. Scrupulously balanced, this new paperback edition features a new appendix containing a wealth of primary source documents that help illuminate both the…
Category:Pfarrkirche hl. Michael, Schönwies – Wikimedia Commons
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Double Ghosts: Oceanian Voyagers on Euroamerican Ships - David A. Chappell - Google Books
This narrative recounts the 18th and 19th century shipping out of Pacific islanders aboard European and American vessels, a kind of counter-exploring, that echoed the ancient voyages of settlement of their island ancestors.
BfN: Steckbriefe der Natura 2000 Gebiete
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Category:Bierberg (Dassel) – Wikimedia Commons
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Wahlergebnis OB-Wahl Bingen 2012
Automatisch erstellte Wahlergebnisse
Stadt Aachen - Bezirksvertretungswahl 30.08.2009 - Aachen-Laurensberg
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Category:U-Bahnhof Christianstraße – Wikimedia Commons
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