13 Ergebnisse für: 24.253
Different points of view of Munich's Terrorist in Parking lot - Germany -- 22/07/16 - YouTube
different points of view of Munich's Terrorist in Parking lot - Germany -- 22/07/16 Shooting
PRAMI SIMBI'O — Djemynai (from the album ZA'O) - YouTube
This is the 11th track on my Lojban rap album ZA'O. Bandcamp: https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao
Women's Triple Jump Final Atlanta Olympics 1996 - YouTube
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Hell Yeah - Dead Prez ("Stray Bullet - The Killabitz" Remix) - YouTube
No copyright infringement intended. I mixed Hell Yeah By Dead Prez and Stay Bullet By The Killabitz.
Griechenland: Wettrüsten in der Ägäis | Europa Aktuell - YouTube
Griechenland ächzt unter dem Sparpaket der Regierung. Aus Angst vor dem Nachbarn Türkei baut das Land aber zugleich die größte Panzerarmee Europas auf.Seit d...
Tombeau de Merlin en Forêt de Brocéliande - YouTube
Une vidéo sur le Tombeau de Merlin l'Enchanteur que Philippe vous fera découvrir, non loin de Paimpont en forêt de Brocéliande Haute-Bretagne Ille-et-Vilaine...
VODER (1939) - Early Speech Synthesizer - YouTube
Considered the first electrical speech synthesizer, VODER (Voice Operation DEmonstratoR) was developed by Homer Dudley at Bell Labs and demonstrated at both ...
The Whole Earth / Panel mit Hans Christian Dany, Erich Hörl und Eva Meyer - YouTube
© Film und Produktion: Dusan Solomun www.hkw.de/wholeearth Ende der Philosophie, Beginn der Kybernetik? Panel mit: Hans-Christian Dany, Erich Hörl, Eva Meyer...
Kosovo-Metohija, 1998-2003 - 1/2 - YouTube
Author: Ninoslav Randjelovic A documentary overview of six years of suffering of the Serb and non-Albanian people in Kosovo-Metohija. This film is at the sam...
Mariah Carey and Walter Afanasieff composing a song together. - YouTube
Walter Afanasieff is a brazilian musician, producer and songwriter that worked with Mariah Carey from 1990 to 1997. It's rumored they stopped their partnersh...