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FFA Filmförderungsanstalt | Jahresliste (international)
Jahresliste (international)
Österreichischer Militärmarsch "Die eisana Sechsa (6er Landwehr-Marsch)" - YouTube
Die eisana Sechsa (6er Landwehr-Marsch) von Rudolf Sabathil (1875-1942). Es handelt sich hier um den zugewiesenen Regimentsmarsch des 1889 aufgestellten k.k....
GLEE - For Good (Full Performance) (Official Music Video) - YouTube
GLEE - Full Performance of For Good. Sung by: Kurt Hummel/Chris Colfer and Rachel Berry/Lea Michele. From 2x22 (New York).
KCTV documentary on Kim Jong Un's trip to Singapore - YouTube
Broadcast on Korean Central TV on June 14, 2018, at 15:09. Original title: 조미관계의 새 력사를 개척한 세기적 만남 경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지께서 미합중국 대통령과 력사상 첫 조미수뇌상봉과 회담 진행 - 주체107(20...