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9,95 Sekunden im 100m-Finale: Zharnel Hughes läuft allen davon | European Championships 2018 - ZDF - YouTube
Der 100-Meter-Lauf der Männer war eine britische Angelegenheit. Neuer Europameister ist Zharnel Hughes, der sich mit einer Zeit von 9,95 Sekunden hauchzart v...
Soil liquefaction PALU SULAWESI INDONESIA - YouTube
Soil liquefaction occurs when a saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to an applied stress such as sha...
Two Moons Passing in the Martian Night - YouTube
This sped-up movie from the Curiosity rover shows Phobos (the larger of Mars' two moons) passing in front of smaller Deimos. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin S...