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Bekele-Gabrselassie-10,000m,World Championships,Paris,2003 - YouTube
Gabrselassie reign as world no.1 finally comes to an end....
Wikipedia Weekly #116 - Wikipedia and PR - YouTube
We discuss the Donovan House statement from prominent PR firms on their pledge on honoring Wikipedia's COI and TOU guidelines. Participants: Andrew Lih (User...
Matt Chat 68: Arcanum and More with Tim Cain - YouTube
In the final segment of my interview with role-playing maestro Tim Cain, we discuss Fallout 3, Arcanum, The Temple of Elemental Evil, and the top-secret MMO ...
German Professional Footballers Q and A!!! (with Conner Sullivan) - YouTube
Two German Professional Footballers from the GFL have a sit down talk! Germany is a beautiful country and we are blessed to be able to play football here! Th...
Kenyan Traditional Dance (Kayamba) Performed by Digo Tribe, "Lawakera" - YouTube
The Digo are an East African Tribe, concentrated on the southern coastal strip of Kenya between Mombasa and the border of Tanzania The Digo are a part of the...
Großer Preis der USA 2017 in Austin - Ergebnis 2. Freies Training
Hier finden Sie das Ergebnis vom 2. Freien Training zum Großer Preis der USA 2017 in Austin
Weltweiter CO2-Ausstoß bis 2017 | Statistik
Der weltweite Ausstoß von Kohlenstoffdioxid nimmt seit 1960 kontinuierlich zu und erreicht im Jahr 2017 seinen bisherigen Höchstwert von rund 36,2 Milliarden Tonnen Kohlenstoffdioxid. Auch wenn die jährliche Menge an CO2-Emissionen steigt, geschieht dies…
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