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Jeffrey Dahmer - Full Trial - Serial Killer - YouTube
Complete trial of Jeffrey Dahmer.
I Premio Internazionale "Giordano Bruno" a Guido del Giudice - YouTube
Napoli, 6/9/2008 Consegna a Guido del Giudice del I Premio Internazionale "Giordano Bruno per il libro "La disputa di Cambrai" Guido del Giudice win the firs...
UKUKU - Cortometraje de Gastón Vizcarra (Subt. Español) [HQ] - YouTube
Este corto, dirigido por el director peruano Gastón Vizcarra, fue uno de los ganadores del Concurso de Cortometrajes de Conacine 2009. Queremos compartirlo; ...
Senioren & XXL Gymnastik 10: Ganzkörpermobilisation mit Linda // 15 Minuten - YouTube
Für Senioren über 50 Jahren zur Kräftigung der Muskulatur und Verbesserung der Koordinationsfähigkeit. Der gesamte Körper wird stabilisiert und mobilisiert.
Shah of Iran & Mike Wallace on the Jewish Lobby - 35 Yrs ago - YouTube
Mike Wallace seemed to be in denial of the bias of the Jewish controlled media in the US towards the Israel's agenda 35 years ago! He became part of it and c...
Beyond Politics - Nazanin Afshin-Jam MacKay - YouTube
Most Canadians know Nazanin Afshin-Jam for her outspoken activism and as the author of the celebrated book, The Tale of Two Nazanins. She is also known for h...
电影的产出就是一个决策过程-Batbayar Chogsom's debut film ’Out of Paradise' won Golden Goblet on SIFF - YouTube
瑞士和蒙古合拍、巴特巴雅尔·绰格索姆先生执导的电影《再别天堂》于2018年获得第21届上海国际电影节金爵奖最佳影片奖,这部讲述了一对蒙古普通游牧小夫妻的故事,被金爵奖评委会主席姜文评价 ‘简单而不简陋’。这既是很大众的话题,也是很私人的故事,让观众有非凡观影体验。这次,杜高斯贝电视将带您观看绰格索姆先生生平第一个...