10 Ergebnisse für: 3chttp
derechoaleer auf Twitter: "Dramaturgos fallecidos en 1947, que entran en Dominio Publico en 2018, ordenados segun popularidad en wikipedia (nº de articulos en wikipedias de diferentes idiomas) https://t.co/SEeUxCifLj… https://t.co/jxiEqbWPdA"
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Pete Forsyth auf Twitter: "These are the newspapers in Oregon that currently have a @wikidata entry (and thus likely to get a Wikipedia article if they don't have one yet). Any obvious gaps? Coast looks sparse, and Klamath Falls must be a data glitch. What else? https://t.co/fTC89s3RtM @holden… https://t.co/kW1AoRKMp1"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Map of “railway things” in Berlin, as classified by https://t.co/fiZF6B9WcN: https://t.co/1P8PjNe5C1… "
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Finn Årup Nielsen auf Twitter: "From Natalie Portman to Paul Erdös with #Wikidata https://t.co/ftDxmxvH5d @wikicite… "
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Felipe Hoffa auf Twitter: "Who's the most famous cat? Answer this with BigQuery and @wikidata+@WikiResearch's data! #KnowledgeInSQL https://t.co/mKH4qYTbr8"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Works of art depicting many people: https://t.co/OAAseYpXt6 (note that Image Grid display hides results without image – see table for those)"
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Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Made a start on plotting places of residence of accused Scottish witches with manual editing from our workshop participants. #WikiWicca https://t.co/H9Z7eZo6MG… https://t.co/G4F9gup8XN"
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Chris Groves auf Twitter: "... similar @wikidata query this time for French citizens with at least 5 @wikipedia pages but not in French: no porn stars here but there are quite a few missing tennis players https://t.co/GJMzyv9maV… https://t.co/LoIH7OebE6"
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Alexander Doria auf Twitter: "Et voilà (avec timeline). Pour l'instant j'ai juste indexé qq classiques et nanars récents : https://t.co/gyHqdFCyms… "
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Scatter chart of river watershed area (in km²) over length (in km), now using normalized unit support: https://t.co/oc2Fcfegql… https://t.co/VgHfRw20Va"
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