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Experimental Characterization of a CMOS Pixel with a Tunable Color Space - YouTube
Zeeba TV (http://zeeba.tv) is part of the River Valley group of Companies. http://www.rivervalleytechnologies.com/
AD&D: Treasure of Tarmin - Intellivision - YouTube
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons for the Mattel Intellivision A complete game played on the easiest skill level. The game takes the first 8:15 of the video. The l...
Touchable Holography - YouTube
We will present "Touchable Holography" at SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies. http://www.alab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~siggraph/09/TouchableHolography/SIGGRAPH09-TH...
ECOMARG: Le Danois Bank - YouTube
Le Danois Bank (El Cachucho Marine Protected Area), located on Cantabrian Sea, is an hot-spot of biodiversity. The north face of this seamount is one of the ...
A Game Engine Based Visualisation of the Queen Meresankh III Mastaba at Giza - YouTube
This video is based upon the master thesis, "Simulation of Interactive Virtual Spaces - Creating a Virtual Archaeological Model of the Queen Meresankh III Ma...
The Artist's View - YouTube
The Artist's View -- Der künstlerische Blick auf fotografisches Material Bernhard Cella, 2012. Wie verwenden zeitgenössische Künstlerinnen und Künstler fotog...