109 Ergebnisse für: 40,95

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    This is an entirely new Naval Staff History covering the period immediately after the Second World War and the Royal Navy operations to prevent illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine, at the time under British Mandate from the United Nations.

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    This is an entirely new Naval Staff History covering the period immediately after the Second World War and the Royal Navy operations to prevent illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine, at the time under British Mandate from the United Nations.

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    In new regional history, national states are not seen to play a special role. Regions are understood as evolutionary processes in which time and space history and geography are connected in research questions. To illustrate the entanglement of time and…

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    Die Philosophie Karl Leonhard Reinholds (1757-1823) findet heute vermehrt Beachtung. Während dieser Denker lange Zeit als Popularisator Kants, als Vorläufer Fichtes oder als tatsachenphilosophischer Antipode Schellings und Hegels wahrgenommen wurde und…

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    The Internet is nothing less than a medium for the indiscriminate and global dissemination of information if we take "information" in its cybernetic sense as bits of data – any data. As such, it is also a massive, amorphous, rhizomic collection…

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    The meeting point between China and the West is a striking subject in a wide range of disciplines. This collection scrutinises how China and the West interact in aspects of culture, arts, politics and everyday life. Within a complex web of actors,…

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    The domestication of plants and animals was one of the greatest steps forward taken by mankind. Although it was first achieved long ago, we still need to know what led to it and how, and even when, it took place. Only when we have this understanding will…

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    Die KDO bietet Softwarelösungen und individuelle Beratungs- und IT-Dienstleistungen für Kommunen, Eigenbetriebe und Schulen.

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    Die KDO bietet Softwarelösungen und individuelle Beratungs- und IT-Dienstleistungen für Kommunen, Eigenbetriebe und Schulen.

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