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"Il chapè" da e cun Jon Semadeni (Balcun tort dals 03-02-1974) - YouTube
Jon Semadeni raquinta ina istorgia cun il titel "Il chapè". En questa istorgia va Jon Semadeni a la tschertga dal dretg chapè.
Marek Szufa - wypadek - Płocki Piknik Lotniczy 2011 - YouTube
Wypadek Marka Szufy - V Płocki Piknik Lotniczy w Płocku http://aviatv.pl air show / pokazy lotnicze Płock
Pitts Special Aerobatic Air show Routine - YouTube
Al Hauff flew air shows in his homebuilt Pitts Special from 1976 to 1985. He held the Canadian Unlmited Aerobatic title in 76-77. The photography in this vid...
Rendezvous with Maneka Gandhi Part 1 & 2 - YouTube
The saga of the Gandhi family continues.. There has been intense curiosity about Indira, Rajiv and Sanjay, an obsession spanning more than five decades. We s...