53 Ergebnisse für: 57,48
Ergebnisse der Kommunalwahl für Kaufbeuren | Kaufbeuren
Kaufbeuren – Der alte Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Kaufbeuren ist gleichzeitig der neue: Stefan Bosse von der CSU hat es mit einem Ergebnis von 57,48 Prozent wieder geschafft. Weniger gut fiel die Wahl für seine Partei aus: Die CSU
Category:St. Johannis (Lassan) – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Eulschirbenmühle – Wikimedia Commons
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Time of Troubles: The Diary of Iurii Vladimirovich Got'e - Iurii Vladimirovich Got'e - Google Books
Among the few diaries available from inside early Soviet Russia none approaches Iurii V. Got'e's in sustained length of coverage and depth of vivid detail. Got'e was a member of the Moscow intellectual elite--a complex and unusually observant man, who was…
Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500: Volume 3, Southern ... - Anthony Emery - Google Books
This is the third volume of Anthony Emery's magisterial survey, Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500, first published in 2006. Across the three volumes Emery has examined afresh and re-assessed over 750 houses, the first comprehensive…
Challenges to Religious Liberty in the Twenty-First Century - Google Books
Almost everyone today affirms the importance and merit of religious liberty. But religious liberty is being challenged by new questions (for example, use of the niqab or church adoption services for same-sex couples) and new forces (such as globalization…
Early Events in Monocot Evolution - Google Books
Tracing the evolution of one of the most ancient major branches of flowering plants, this is a wide-ranging survey of state-of-the-art research on the early clades of the monocot phylogenetic tree. It explores a series of broad but linked themes, providing…
Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500: Volume 3, Southern ... - Anthony Emery - Google Books
This is the third volume of Anthony Emery's magisterial survey, Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500, first published in 2006. Across the three volumes Emery has examined afresh and re-assessed over 750 houses, the first comprehensive…
Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500: Volume 3, Southern ... - Anthony Emery - Google Books
This is the third volume of Anthony Emery's magisterial survey, Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500, first published in 2006. Across the three volumes Emery has examined afresh and re-assessed over 750 houses, the first comprehensive…
Category:Schwesternwohnheim Tittmannstraße, Dresden – Wikimedia Commons
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