8 Ergebnisse für: 66.64
BVerwG, 29.04.1964 - BVerwG I B 66.64 - Rechtsmittel
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Conservation of Tropical Plant Species - Google Books
The book is designed to provide a review on the methods and current status of conservation of the tropical plant species. It will also provide the information on the richness of the tropical plant diversity, the need to conserve, and the potential…
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics ... - Hans-Walter Schmuhl - Google Books
From its founding in 1927 until its dissolution in 1945, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics (KWI-A) in Berlin-Dahlem transgressed many a boundary; indeed, the transgression of boundaries was in a sense its raison…
Design for Manufacturability and Statistical Design: A Constructive Approach - Michael Orshansky, Sani Nassif, Duane Boning - Google Books
Design for Manufacturability and Statistical Design: A Constructive Approach provides a thorough treatment of the causes of variability, methods for statistical data characterization, and techniques for modeling, analysis, and optimization of integrated…
Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective - Google Books
The ontogeny of each individual contributes to the physical, physiological, cognitive, neurobiological, and behavioral capacity to manage the complex social relationships and diverse foraging tasks that characterize the primate order. For these reasons…
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Mit Damen-Business- & Laptoptaschen bist du gut gewappnet für deinen Alltag - egal ob casual oder classy - große Auswahl an Business- & Laptoptaschen
Hotels: Die besten Hotels Deutschlands 2008 - Capital
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Category:National Portrait Gallery (United States) – Wikimedia Commons
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