66 Ergebnisse für: 70,80
Immunotherapy of Melanoma - Anand Rotte, Madhuri Bhandaru - Google Books
This book focusses on the different types of immunotherapeutics that are currently being used and developed for the treatment of melanoma. In recent years, immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of metastatic melanoma and other types of cancer.…
Electrical Manipulation of Cells - Paul T. Lynch, M.R. Davey - Google Books
Electrical Manipulation of Cells provides an authoritative and up-to-date review of the field, covering all the major techniques in a single source. The book features broad coverage that ranges from the mechanisms of action of external electrical fields on…
Handbook of Autopsy Practice - Google Books
Handbook of Autopsy Practice, Fourth Edition is divided into three parts. Part I contains six new chapters in which the reader will find an assortment of tools that will increase the value of the autopsy. Included in the section are valuable resources and…
The Palgrave International Handbook of Football and Politics - Google Books
This Handbook offers an analysis of the relation between football and politics, based on over 30 case studies covering five continents. It provides a detailed picture of this relation in a wide number of European, American, African, and Asian states, as…
Regional Studies on Economic Growth, Financial Economics and Management ... - Google Books
This volume presents selected papers from the 19th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference held in Istanbul. Its primary emphasis is on showcasing the latest empirical research on social change, sustainable development and the management…
Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections - Google Books
This collection of papers offers a timely snapshot of helio- and asteroseismology in the era when SOHO/MDI instrument is about to be replaced by SDO/HMI and when the CoRoT space mission is yielding its first long-duration light curves of thousands of…
Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terminology: English German French ... - Google Books
Scientific and technical contacts between nations· have necessitated the publication of various language textbooks, manuals and reference books. Particularly important among them are multilingual scientifio and technical dictionaries. This…
Flowering Plants. Eudicots: Malpighiales - Google Books
This volume presents systematic treatments for the families and genera of the Malpighiales, which more recently have been recognised as a new major group of the eudicots. Apart from several herbaceous lineages (already treated in Vol. IX of this series),…
Chemical Modification, Properties, and Usage of Lignin - Google Books
One of the most significant challenges facing mankind in the twenty-first century is the development of a sustainable global economy. Within the scientific community, this calls for the development of processes and technologies that will allow the…
International Handbook of Chinese Families - Google Books
Families are the cornerstone of Chinese society, whether in mainland China, in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, or in the Chinese diaspora the world over. Handbook of the Chinese Family provides an overview of economics, politics, race,…