6 Ergebnisse für: 705.997
Olympics 1912 10km Walk - YouTube
George Goulding CAN 46:28.4 GOLD Ernest Webb GBR 46:50.4 SILVER Fernando Altimani KIT 47:37.6 BRONZE
Bernhard M Hämmerli IDRC 2012 Red Chair Statement - YouTube
Statement from Bernhard M Hämmerli during the 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2012, Switzerland. Recorded: August 29th 2012.
Prof. Gad Kaynar - YouTube
Prof. Gad Kaynar at Literary Evening With Philip Rosenau
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas prezidents Ojārs Spārītis par ViA Forumu 2016 - YouTube
Tiekamies 13. maijā Valmierā, forumā “Latvijas tautsaimniecība. Ko mums māca pagātne un kādu saredzam tās nākotni”!
Trailer José e Pilar - English version - YouTube
José & Pilar Synopsis The Elephant's Journey, in which Saramago narrates the adventures and antics of an elephant transported from the court of King John III...
"Different Trains" - Music Theatre on a Moving Train through Europe - Salzburg - YouTube
This is a videoclip of "19182338 - the number You have called is disconnected" by Werner Raditschnig (music) and Herbert Gantschacher(libretto). It is part o...