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Lippe: Wahl zum 1. Landtag 1919
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Tranz-Orchester ,,Metropol - Die schonste der Frauen {Part 1} {1910} {Instrumental} - YouTube
Tranz-Orchester ,,Metropol'' Polyphon Records {19??} Im not sure of the year on this record. It says 1910 on the record itself, but im not sure of thats the ...
Meet me tonight in dreamland - YouTube
Judy Garland singing Meet me tonight in dreamland (from the movie In the good old summertime)
Eddie Condon - 1927-1943 - Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland - YouTube
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tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 19.12.2018 - YouTube
Themen der Sendung: Kabinett bringt Entwurf für Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz auf den Weg, Regierung will Firmenübernahmen durch ausländische Investoren ersc...
"Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland" on 1909 cylinder EARLIEST RECORDING OF CLASSIC SONG? - YouTube
Elizabeth Wheeler and Harry Anthony sing "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland" (earliest recording of this classic song?) on Edison Standard Record 10290. The cylin...
[720p]屋久島の安房森林軌道 Forestry track in Yakushima island - YouTube
品質の良い杉材が産出されることで有名な屋久島には 今尚現役の森林鉄道が残っています。 これは約10年前に撮影した映像ですので、 現状とは異なる可能性がございます。 撮影機材 DCR-VX1000 Yakushima island , famous for high-quality ceder called "Ya...