764 Ergebnisse für: 8,05
Chemiefusion perfekt: Akzo Nobel kauft ICI
Nach monatelangem Ringen ist die Übernahme des britischen Chemiekonzerns ICI durch den niederländischen Konkurrenten Akzo Nobel unter Dach und Fach. ICI nehme die 8,05 Mrd. Pfund (rund zwölf Mrd Euro) schwere Offerte an, teilte ICI am Montag mit. Indes…
Schleuse Garwitz - MEW (Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße)
Schleuse Garwitz an der MEW (Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße)
M III. 3. spezielle Untersuchungen: Körperzellen und deren Bestandteile, Zellfunktionsuntersuchungen
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Mietspiegel Braunschweig 2019: was mieten in Braunschweig kostet
Mietspiegel von Braunschweig 2019. Vergleichen Sie die aktuellen Mietpreise für Wohnungen und Häuser in Braunschweig und seinen Stadtteilen und die Mietpreisentwicklung der vergangenen Jahre.
The Price of Loyalty - Ron Suskind - Google Books
A devestating account of the inner workings of the George W. Bush administration, written with the extensive cooperation of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill. As readers are taken to the very epicentre of government, this news-making book offers…
The Price of Loyalty - Ron Suskind - Google Books
A devestating account of the inner workings of the George W. Bush administration, written with the extensive cooperation of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill. As readers are taken to the very epicentre of government, this news-making book offers…
Boris: The Adventures of Boris Johnson - Andrew Gimson - Google Books
A brilliant and definitive biography of Boris Johnson, the politician who risked his career to lead the Brexit campaign, won the referendum, lost the chance to become Prime Minister and ended up as Foreign Secretary. In Andrew Gimson's acclaimed…
The Caged Virgin: A Muslim Woman's Cry for Reason - Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Google Books
Raised a Muslim but increasingly outraged by her religion's hostility towards women, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has now become one of today's most talked-about, admired and controversial political figures because of her desire to free women from an oppressive Muslim…
The Simpsons, Satire, and American Culture - M. Henry - Google Books
How is The Simpsons a satirical artwork engaged with important social, political, and cultural issues? In time for the twenty-fifth anniversary, Henry offers the first comprehensive understanding of the show as a satire and explores the ways in which The…