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GeoGebra: Darstellung des Satzes von Pythagoras - YouTube
Dieses Video zeigt, wie ihr in GeoGebra den Satz des Pythagoras (Darstellung der Quadrate am Dreieck) darstellen könnt und mithilfe eines Schiebereglers auch...
SR 10 New Russian jet trainer Second day of flight testing - YouTube
SR-10 is a subsonic, single engine, all-composite dual-pilot aerobatic trainer aircraft with a moderate forward-swept wing scheme developed by a private Russ...
MUST-WATCH MESSAGE: TB Joshua Pastors Conference In South Korea!!! - YouTube
Meet TB Joshua in Nazareth, Israel on Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th June 2019 at the Amphitheatre of Mount Precipice and experience the footprints of Jesus Chr...