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Brough of Birsay Pictish Symbol Stone Scotland - YouTube
Tour Scotland video of Brough of Birsay Pictish Symbol Stone from Orkney on visit to the National Museum in Edinburgh. Carved into the face of the stone are ...
Seminar on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity - YouTube
TAMU Atmospheric Sciences seminar, Aug. 29, 2018 Discussed results of Dessler et al., ACP, 2018 and Dessler and Forster, JGR, 2018
Rigoletto+Sparafucile20082k12.MTS - YouTube
In einem (leider abrupt endenden) Ausschnitt aus der Aufführung vom 20.8.2012 in der Stiftsruine Bad Hersfeld trifft Rigoletto (Martin Kronthaler) auf den Ga...