10 Ergebnisse für: 9.257.967
SA History with Ciraj Rassool (26.4.2013) - YouTube
Celebrating the 19th Anniversary of Freedom.
30 Years of Femap - YouTube
30 Years of Femap video showing the evolution of Femap and showcasing some of the major projects that have involved Femap over the years.
Kilrooskagh Hidden Heritage - Series 4 2010 (Northern Ireland Environment Agency - NIEA) - YouTube
Brian Black and Flub join Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Archaeologist Claire Foley at Kilrooskagh, near Belcoo, which means 'church in the marsh...
Interview of Alena Ledeneva - YouTube
Alena Ledeneva is Professor of Politics and Society at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. Her research interests in...
SuperMUC Animation by the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) - YouTube
A first animation of the new 3 PFLOPS/s system "SuperMUC". The system was designed by IBM for the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) and consists of more th...
Ayyappa M Masagi at TEDx - YouTube
This is a presentation from TEDx speeches about Water Scarcity by our founder Ayyappa Masagi. Find out more at: www.waterliteracy.tk Water Literacy Foundatio...
Timothy Snyder erklärt die russische Propaganda in 10 Minuten (Deutsche Untertitel) - YouTube
Timothy Snyder von der Yale University ist einer der weltweit angesehensten Osteuropa-Historiker, seine Artikel im "New York Review of Books" wurden als tref...
Fritz Hansen™ | History in the making - YouTube
The cooperation between Arne Jacobsen (1902 - 1971) and Fritz Hansen dates back to 1934. But in was in 1952 the break-through came with the Ant™. It was succ...
‘Entwicklungsforschung’: Von der Konstitution einer Disziplin - PD Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge - YouTube
ZEF-director Anna-Katharina Hornidge gave her inaugural talk as a "Privatdozent (PD)" at the Dies Academicus on December 3. Her "habilitation" talk on "Entwi...