7 Ergebnisse für: 9.259.023
The Aging Brain - Week by Week Time Lapse - YouTube
White matter disease was originally considered a normal event in an aging brain. But Dr. Daniel Mandell and his research team have discovered that it might a...
Making Tentugal Pastries the Traditional Way - YouTube
Portuguese conventual pastries made using centuries' old recipe and techniques at O Afonso bakery in Tentúgal, central Portugal. Read more about the cakes an...
Bob Schieffer on InnerVIEWS with Ernie Manouse - YouTube
Bob Schieffer is a man who has been giving us the news for almost 40 years. He is currently the moderator for the second-longest running show on TV, "Face th...
ILSE: Joe Saddi, Chairman, Booz & Co - YouTube
Joe Saddi, Chairman of global consulting firm Booz & Co, is more sanguine in his view of the future. "By now I think we've seen the worst," he says, "but it ...
Shaykh Faiz Qureshy Introduces Habib Faisal Al-Kaff at RHUL ISOC - YouTube
Habib Faisal Al-Kaff is from the noble lineage of our Master Muhammad [s]. Biography of Ustadh Fa'iz Qureshy In 1998 Ustadh Fa'iz left the UK to study in Dam...
Ethan Gutmann - The Anatomy of Mass Murder - CECC - YouTube
Website ►http://endorganpillaging.org/ Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/EndOrganPillaging Subscribe ►http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=In...
Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit 1992 - YouTube
Severn is an activist and writer who has been speaking out about social justice and environmental issues since she was small. At age 9, she started the Envir...