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Jens Schwedler Weltmeister - WM Mol 2009 - Masters - YouTube
Hier ein Video der Weltmeister-Fahrt von Jens Schwedler (Hamburg/Deutschland) Ort: Mol in der Provence Flandern (Belgien) am 24.01.2009
Tandem finale 1° 2° posto - Stuttgart 1991 .round 1° - YouTube
Finale del tandem ai mondiali di stoccarda. Si affrontano la Germania, composta da Emanuel Raasch ,36 anni ,e Eyk Pokorny, e la cecoslovacchia, composta da L...
team sprint worlds 1998 final 1°2° France vs Australia - YouTube
France (Vincent Le Quellec , Florian Rousseau ,Arnaud Tournant) vs Australia (Graham Sharman, Danny Day, Shane John Kelly ).
Track side with Shane Sutton - YouTube
Following the success of British Cycling at the Track World Cup at the London Velodrome, the coaches powering Britain's medal winners give an insight into ho...
Bien Vivre - Le Vélodrome national de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - YouTube
Le Vélodrome national de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, qui accueillera les stars du cyclisme et jusqu'à 6 000 spectateurs, est le nouveau centre d'entraînement ...
1998 Amstel Gold Race - YouTube
April 27, 1998 - Amstel Gold aftermath "Scott is in hospital in Gent and had a five hour operation for a brain haemorage which began at 6.15pm and lasted unt...