225 Ergebnisse für: Plasmas
Korotation - Lexikon der Physik
Korotation, magnetosphärische Korotation, Mitbewegung des erdnahen magnetosphärischen Plasmas mit der Erdrotation. Als äußere Grenze der…
Gravitation.co.de - Ihr Gravitation Shop
The Attraction of Gravitation als Buch von, Quantisierte Zeit und die Vereinheitlichung von Gravitation und Elektromagnetismus als eBook Download von, Dynamical Systems, Plasmas and Gravitation als Buch von, Gravitation, Lernpaket Physik Franzis,
Low Pressure Plasmas and Microstructuring Technology - Gerhard Franz - Google Books
Over the last forty years, plasma supported processes have attracted ever - creasing interest, and now, all modern semiconductor devices undergo at least one plasma-involved processing step, starting from surface cleaning via coating to etching. In total,…
Handbook of Plasma Processing Technology: Fundamentals, Etching, Deposition ... - Google Books
An overview of the technology that describes the advantages provided by plasmas, plasma fundamentals, and a range of plasma processes relevant to the deposition and etching of thin films for microelectronics and other fields.
ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="0392-6737"
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
An Introduction to Plasma Astrophysics and Magnetohydrodynamics - Marcel Goossens - Google Books
Most of the visible matter in the universe exists in the plasma state. Plasmas are of major importance for space physics, solar physics, and astrophysics. On Earth they are essential for magnetic controlled thermonuclear fusion. This textbook collects…
Mars Express: Die Raumsonde und ihre Experimente
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Introduction to Space Physics - Atmo Kivelson - Google Books
Designed as a text for upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students, this volume attempts to establish the curriculum for the modern student entering the fledgling field of space physics. The book provides a broad, yet selective, treatment of…
Plasma Physics: An Introductory Course - Google Books
This book covers the subject of plasma physics. The first few chapters deal with the fundamentals of plasma physics. Subsequently, the applications and properties of human-made and naturally occurring plasmas are discussed. In addition, there are chapters…