835 Ergebnisse für: Pseudonyms

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    pseu·do·nym    [sood-n-im] –noun a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. There are myriad reasons why individuals may wish to use a name other than the one they were born with. They may be concerned about threats to…

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    Anan ỵ m [ grch. griechisch ] Form des Pseudonyms , bei dem die Buchstaben des wirkl. wirklichen Namens rückwärts gelesen werden...

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    This Encyclopedia is the first to compile pseudonyms from all over the world, from all ages and occupations in a single work: some 500,000 pseudonyms of roughly 270,000 people are deciphered here. Besides pseudonyms in the narrower sense, initials, nick…

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    This Encyclopedia is the first to compile pseudonyms from all over the world, from all ages and occupations in a single work: some 500,000 pseudonyms of roughly 270,000 people are deciphered here. Besides pseudonyms in the narrower sense, initials, nick…

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    This Encyclopedia is the first to compile pseudonyms from all over the world, from all ages and occupations in a single work: some 500,000 pseudonyms of roughly 270,000 people are deciphered here. Besides pseudonyms in the narrower sense, initials, nick…

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    This Encyclopedia is the first to compile pseudonyms from all over the world, from all ages and occupations in a single work: some 500,000 pseudonyms of roughly 270,000 people are deciphered here. Besides pseudonyms in the narrower sense, initials, nick…

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    Unter dem Deckmantel eines Pseudonyms entstand der Roman "Die schwarze Legende", der sich mit Rolf Hochhuths Angriff auf das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche befasst. Doch wer ist der Autor?

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    Anan y m Ana | n y m 〈 n. -s , -e 〉 Form des Pseudonyms, die aus den rückwärtsgelesenen Buchstaben des wirklichen Namens besteht, z.   B. Keisgreb für Bergsiek [ <   Ana...

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    Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht / BGB AT / Schuldrecht / Sachenrecht, Note: 17 Punkte, Universität Bayreuth, Veranstaltung: Oberseminar im Schwerpunktbereich II - Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht, 125 Quellen im…

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