9 Ergebnisse für: _bieji_
Chinese Literature - Yangshiqianqibaiershijiuhezhai congshu 仰視千七百二十九鶴齋叢書 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Yangshiqianqibaiershijiuhezhai congshu 仰視千七百二十九鶴齋叢書 is a collectanea compiled by the late Qing period scholar Zhao Zhiqian 趙之謙.
Chinese Literature - Siku quanshu 四庫全書 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Siku quanshu 四庫全書 is one of the largest traditional collections of Chinese literature. It was issued on imperial decree and compiled during the late 18th century.
Chinese Literature - Man-Qing yeshi 滿淸野史 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Man-Qing yeshi 滿淸野史 is a collectanea assembling histories and stories about the Qing period (1644-1911). It was published in the 1920s.
Chinese Literature - Sibu beiyao 四部備要 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Sibu beiyao 四部備要 is a collectanea compiled by Zhonghua Publishing House 中華書局.
Chinese Literature - Shenbaoguan congshu 申報館叢書 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Shenbaoguan congshu 申報館叢書 is a collectanea.
Chinese Literature - Meishu congshu 美術叢書 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Meishu congshu 美術叢書 is a collectanea compiled by the Republican scholar Deng Shi 鄧實 in 1936.
Chinese Literature - Baichuan xuehai 百川學海 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Baichuan xuehai 百川學海 is a collectanea compiled by the Song period scholar Zuo Gui 左圭.
Chinese Literature - Baichuan xuehai 百川學海 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Baichuan xuehai 百川學海 is a collectanea compiled by the Song period scholar Zuo Gui 左圭.
Chinese Literature - Baichuan xuehai 百川學海 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
The Baichuan xuehai 百川學海 is a collectanea compiled by the Song period scholar Zuo Gui 左圭.