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_oriental6 Ergebnisse für: _orientalia
Süss scheint der Krieg den Unerfahrenen: das Bild vom Krieg und die Utopie ... - Veronika Marschall - Google Books
Conference held 20-21 February 2004 by the Interdisziplin'are Institut f'ur Kulturgeschichte der Fr'uhen Neuzeit in Osnabr'uck, Germany.
Orientalia christiana analecta - Google Books
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Phoenicia and the Bible: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the ... - Google Books
A general introduction to these conference proceedings and a comparison of the material culture of Phoenicia and Israel are followed by an analysis of the proper names in the Egyptian story of Wenamon, by a report on the recent excavations at Dor, and a…
BECK, Hans-Georg
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Günther Hölbl
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.