13 Ergebnisse für: _texts
A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How - F.M. Dekking, C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuhaä, L.E. Meester - Google Books
Probability and Statistics are studied by most science students, usually as a second- or third-year course. Many current texts in the area are just cookbooks and, as a result, students do not know why they perform the methods they are taught, or why the…
Computable Analysis: An Introduction - Klaus Weihrauch - Google Books
Is the exponential function computable? Are union and intersection of closed subsets of the real plane computable? Are differentiation and integration computable operators? Is zero finding for complex polynomials computable? Is the Mandelbrot set…
Japan – elib.at
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Materialien zur buddhistischen Ethik, 0. Ãbersicht
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
The Nuclear Many-Body Problem - Peter Ring, Peter Schuck - Google Books
It is the aim of this book to describe in concise form our present theoretical understanding of the nuclear many-body problem. The presen tation of the enormous amount of material that has accumulated in this field over the last few decades may be divided…
Ernst Mach Studienausgabe | Mach, Ernst | Philosophie | xenomoi Verlag
Der xenomoi Verlag publiziert ab dem Jahr 2008 eine Studienausgabe des nahezu gesamten Werks von Ernst Mach. Sie wird bis auf wenige Dopplungen in de…
Markdown bei Mac und iOS: Apps, Tipps und Cheat Sheet | Mac & i
Die einfache Syntax der Auszeichnungssprache Markdown (und deren Erweiterung MultiMarkdown) trennt den Inhalt eines Textes von dessen Gestaltung und funktioniert mit jedem Texteditor. Erst beim Export in Formate wie PDF, ePub, HTML oder RTF bestimmt man…
Bibliography on Medieval Hebrew Poetry - Authors
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Buddhist Schools in China (www.chinaknowledge.de)
Buddhism was a foreign religion to China, but developed its own schools, traits and doctrines.