144 Ergebnisse für: archiverip
BALTAK - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
BALTAK: "Macedonian War" is BALTAK's fourth album. It offers a mixture of Black, Death and Thrash Metal (except for the vocals, which are high-screaming ones throughout the whole album). Honestly said, I do not like "Macedonian War" just like I did not…
DROWNED - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
DROWNED: DROWNED from Germany are now going Death Metal and as far as I can hear, they're pretty good at it! The sound of these rehearsals is pretty raw, though: good old DARKTHRONE sound. This makes it a bit hard to say HOW good the band is - especially…
NAILGUNNER - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
NAILGUNNER: NAILGUNNER's debut full length, "Apocalypse: Now or Never" is the first Thrash album I've heard from a Finnish band and it does not disappoint! It's a quick, 28 minute blast of old school Thrash / Death Metal in the DESTRUCTION / SODOM style.…
INFECTED DISARRAY - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
INFECTED DISARRAY: This 3 song promo CD-R is just a little taste of things to come, cause UK Grinders INFECTED DISARRAY will release their complete full length debut "Disseminating Obscenity" on French Deadsun Records in October 2001. All tracks on this…
PHOBIC - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
PHOBIC: If you thought that HORRID was the only cool band from Italy playing the good ol' Swedish Death Metal, you better think again, cause PHOBIC have delivered a really fine album of similar qualities. "Sick Blemished Uncreation" features ten brutal…
FEARER - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
FEARER: FEARER already released a demo tape back in 1996 with a somewhat weak production. On the other hand, one could already sense their potential. Five years later the East Frisians (of course) present their relatively long, well produced CD "The…
MORTUARY - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
MORTUARY: Aarrggh! Completely sick and evil Death / Thrash (think "Hell Awaits" era SLAYER, "Pleasure To Kill" era KREATOR and POSSESSED - like vox and structures), released on noble vinyl only, by Utterly Somber Creations out of Chicago. Some of you may…
AUTOPSY TORMENT - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
AUTOPSY TORMENT: All you primitive Metal barbarians out there cheer up, because here's another heavy, dirty, bloody and musical hellish lousy masterpiece for you. A release featuring PAGAN RITES-singer Devil Lee Rot is always a delight for bangers and…
BASTARDIZER - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
BASTARDIZER: BASTARDIZER started their sonic crusade in 2013, "Enforcers Of Evil" is their debut album, and they play melodic Power Metal with a lot of keyboards. Bullshit: one look at the track listing and we know what to expect: 'Bathory And Lust',…
HELL`S THRASH HORSEMEN - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
HELL`S THRASH HORSEMEN: Hmmm... HELL'S THRASH HORSEMEN? What kind of a band name is that really? I cannot help it but the name sounds like someone has formed a joke band. To be absolutely sincere and honest, that was my very first impression on this band…