12 Ergebnisse für: asmae
Dalla parte dell'Etiopia: l'aggressione italiana vista dai movimenti ... - Giuliano Procacci - Google Books
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I "fogli di udienza" del cardinale Eugenio Pacelli, segretario di stato: 1931 - Google Books
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Fremde Blicke auf das "Dritte Reich": Berichte ausländischer Diplomaten über ... - Google Books
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Fremde Blicke auf das "Dritte Reich": Berichte ausländischer Diplomaten über ... - Google Books
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Fremde Blicke auf das "Dritte Reich": Berichte ausländischer Diplomaten über ... - Google Books
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Criminali di guerra italiani: accuse, processi e impunità nel secondo dopoguerra - Davide Conti - Google Books
Attraverso un'ampia mole di documenti ufficiali, il libro opera una ricognizione dei crimini di guerra commessi dal regio esercito durante l'occupazione italiana in Albania, Jugoslavia, Urss e Grecia e di cui le alte gerarchie militari avrebbero dovuto…
Zwangsarbeit Für Den "Verbündeten": Die Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen der ... - Gabriele Hammermann - Google Books
Between 1943 and 1945 there were almost half a million Italian military internees working in the German arms industry. Their recruitment for this purpose represents the final major stage of National Socialist policy in the employment of foreign workers. On…
Emidio Campi e le 17 lettere di Pier Paolo Vergerio - YouTube
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Fascism's European Empire: Italian Occupation During the Second World War - Davide Rodogno - Google Books
This 2006 book is a controversial reappraisal of the Italian occupation of the Mediterranean during the Second World War, which Davide Rodogno examines within the framework of fascist imperial ambitions. He focuses on the European territories annexed and…
ARTiade Athen - Olympiade der Bildenden Kunst 2004 - kunstaspekte
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