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    Auf dem Südkontinent sollten drei Seen angebohrt werden und nach vielen Zehntausend Jahren wieder Kontakt zur Außenwelt bekommen. Das russische Bohrprojekt im Wostoksee konnte bereits im vergangenen Sommer den Bruch durch die Eiskappe melden, bislang gibt…

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    English summary: Between 1894 and 1898, Max Weber devoted a great deal of attention to a reform of the German stock and goods exchanges, and was a member of the provisional exchange committee convened by the federal council. At that time, the exchange…

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    English summary: Between 1894 and 1898, Max Weber devoted a great deal of attention to a reform of the German stock and goods exchanges, and was a member of the provisional exchange committee convened by the federal council. At that time, the exchange…

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    English summary: Between 1894 and 1898, Max Weber devoted a great deal of attention to a reform of the German stock and goods exchanges, and was a member of the provisional exchange committee convened by the federal council. At that time, the exchange…

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    English summary: Between 1894 and 1898, Max Weber devoted a great deal of attention to a reform of the German stock and goods exchanges, and was a member of the provisional exchange committee convened by the federal council. At that time, the exchange…

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    English summary: Between 1894 and 1898, Max Weber devoted a great deal of attention to a reform of the German stock and goods exchanges, and was a member of the provisional exchange committee convened by the federal council. At that time, the exchange…

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    Die Ernte beginnt in diesem Jahr wohl ungewöhnlich spät. Dennoch hoffen die Bauern auf eine gute Saison.

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    "Langsam sind die Kassen leer": Weil die Finanzierung zu unsicher ist, hat das "Weltmusik-Festival am Stoa" eine unklare Zukunft.

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    Die Berliner Rock-Maestros <b>KADAVAR</b> haben die Details zu ihrem kommenden, vierten Studio-Album <b>»Rough Times«</b> enthüllt. Das Album wird am 29. Septe

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