17 Ergebnisse für: bassae
Stackelberg, Otto Magnus von: Der Apollotempel zu Bassae in Arcadien und die daselbst ausgegrabenen Bildwerke (Rom, 1826)
Stackelberg, Otto Magnus von: Der Apollotempel zu Bassae in Arcadien und die daselbst ausgegrabenen Bildwerke; Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Arachne - Building 2100044: Apollon-Tempel - Bassae / Βάσσαι, Messenien (Regionalbezirke)
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Cockerell, Charles Robert: The temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae near Phigaleia in Arcadia: to which is add a memoir of the systems of proportion employed in the original design of these structures (London, 1860)
Cockerell, Charles Robert: The temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae near Phigaleia in Arcadia: to which is add a memoir of the systems of proportion employed in the original design of these structures;…
Otto Magnus von Stackelberg | Archäologe in Griechenland, Maler und Schriftsteller | Tempel des Apollon
Baron Otto Magnus von Stackelberg - Archäologe bei Ausgrabungen vom Apollontempel und vom Zeustempel in Griechenland (Greece), Maler, Kunsthistoriker und Schriftsteller.
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens (London, 1830)
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens; Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens (London, 1830)
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens; Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens (London, 1830)
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens; Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Apollontempel Teil 1 - YouTube
Natursteinkunstwerk am Hundstalsee nahe Inzing in Tirol von Heinz Triendl, Robert Tribus und zahlreichen Freunden erbaut. Bauzeit 20 Jahre. Bausubstanz ca. 5...
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens (London, 1830)
Stuart, James; Revett, Nicholas: The antiquities of Athens (Band 4): The antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily etc.: supplementary to the antiquities of Athens; Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Expédition scientifique de Morée - Jean-Baptiste Geneviève Marcellin Bory de Saint-Vincent - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.