26 Ergebnisse für: belett
VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "Schools of magic by numbers of students: https://t.co/NGgzE7D2Z8 (no surprise there is a lot of #HarryPotter schools here) #Wikidata #SPARQL #Query cc @Auregann @WikidataFacts"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "Exemple: frequency of first letter in Breton words https://t.co/ALUcevLgIC (based on only 300 words for now, and I started by creating Lexemes with the letter A, that's why A is so high)… https://t.co/LPgs6bj2N2"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "#Wikidata query: paintings depicting the #BastilleDay #14Juillet https://t.co/hcESmESyiI My favorite is "July 14th Firevorks at Bourg-de-Batz" by Ferdinand du Puigaudeau… https://t.co/GA4rUfbB7p"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "How "local" are the artworks of a museum? Here is a beginning of answer #SPARQL #Wikidata query of average distance between the museum and the artist place of birth: https://t.co/0WXxTem3S9"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "#dataviz mégalithes du monde sur @Wikidata par type ; on repère de jolis motifs types par zones https://t.co/RvFId1mOw6"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "First : how many descendants of Charlemagne is there on @wikidata? "Only" 13495 right now, 0.3% of the 4 millions of humans in Wikidata but 9.7% of the 138k humans with a ascendant! not bad but clearly there is a lot of missing data https://t.co/13ZGBUUG0t https://t.co/xDyKjjky6j"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "map of cheese by ingredient : https://t.co/LGLSGrQhkM … @wikidata #WikiCheese #OpenCheeseMap (idea from @Wittylama via FB)"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "something like https://t.co/9vYrVYpGzq ; a lot of data are missing… https://t.co/rLXqcvroFB"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "Le plus simple est de faire une requête : https://t.co/sGorktligW… "
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "#Neujahrskonzert with conductor by country and age https://t.co/tPrO0J0nHy @JeanFred @Pymouss @K_rho @wikidata @Auregann"
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