4 Ergebnisse für: berates
A Message to Breitbart from Weather.com - YouTube
Note to Breitbart: Earth is not cooling, climate change Is real and please stop using our video to mislead Americans. Full article here: https://weather.com/...
Al Gore's Lies Exposed By Congress - YouTube
Al Gores LIES on how he think Global Warming is caused by a LIFE GIVING GAS called C02 are exposed by Rep. Steve Scalise. Al Gore OWNS the Carbon Trading Com...
"Trump has just given jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations" BBC News - YouTube
Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford believes that the chemical attack in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun may not have been committed by the A...
FAIL - Americans Don't Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July! -- A CONVERSATION WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC - YouTube
Media analyst Mark Dice asks beachgoers in San Diego, California some basic questions about America's 4th of July Independence Day celebration and their answ...