280 Ergebnisse für: book's

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    The brother of Dr Donald Shirley, the black pianist featured in the Oscar-nominated Green Book, slammed it as a 'shameful travesty', he told DailyMailTV from...

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    Weiten's PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS, EIGHTH EDITION maintains this book's strengths while addressing market changes with new learning objectives, a complete updating, and a fresh new design. The text continues to provide a unique survey of psycholo

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    Janeway's Immunobiology is a textbook for students studying immunology at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. As an introductory text, all students will appreciate the book's clear writing and informative illustrations, and advanced…

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    Based upon the author's own experiences this study explores the Israeli government's attitude to the West Bank and Gaza over a period of 30 years. The "fools" in the book's title refers not only to the Arabs who rejected Israeli peace offers but to the…

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    This volume provides a descriptive overview of the cultural complexity on the northwest coast that stretches from northern California to Alaska. Topics covered range from the earliest settlements to the subsequent cultural diversities in Native American…

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    In this critical interrogation of the meaning of media professionalism and the efficacy of training in the digital age, Niblock presents one of the very first texts to scrutinise professional norms and question the scope of the media's power. The…

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    Providing even more emphasis on inquiry-based learning, a new green experiment, and more than a dozen new discovery experiments, this Fifth Edition of Gilbert and Martin's proven EXPERIMENTAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY contains procedures for both miniscale (also…

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    This book's four main aims are to examine: firstly, why movements happened in the socio-historical context of sixties' radicalism; secondly, its distinctive legacy of crucial, cultural, societal and political interconnections; thirdly, continuing links…

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    Background to Discovery recounts the great voyages of discovery, from Dampier to Cook, that excited such fervent political and popular interest in eighteenth-century Europe. Perhaps this book's greatest strength lies in its remarkable synthesis of both…

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    Although the basic principles of lasers have remained unchanged in the past 20 years, there has been a shift in the kinds of lasers generating interest. Providing a comprehensive introduction to the operating principles and applications of lasers, this…

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