7 Ergebnisse für: braincase
Mammal Species of the World - Browse: Baiomys
Mammal Species of the World: Information on Baiomys
Category:Galeaspida – Wikimedia Commons
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Amphibian Evolution: The Life of Early Land Vertebrates - Rainer R. Schoch - Google Books
This book focuses on the first vertebrates to conquer land and their long journey to become fully independent from the water. It traces the origin of tetrapod features and tries to explain how and why they transformed into organs that permit life on land.…
Devonian Times - More about Lobe-Fin Fishes
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Mammal Species of the World - Browse: melanogaster
Mammal Species of the World: Information on melanogaster
Anthropologie: Forscher entdecken den ältesten Homo sapiens - WELT
Es gibt nur wenige Überreste von den ersten Homo sapiens. Lange ging man davon aus, dass unsere Art im Osten Afrikas entstanden ist. Neue Fossilien und Steinwerkzeuge zeigen nun ein anderes Bild.
MESOZOIC MAMMALS; Basal Mammaliaformes, Morganucodontidae, Megazostrodontidae and Hadrocodium, an internet directory:
Basal mammals of the Mesozoic