16 Ergebnisse für: brazel
Roswell Testimony - Anonymous - Google Books
On July 3, 1947, William "Mac" Brazel (rhymes with "frazzle") and his 7-year-old neighbor Dee Proctor found the remains of the crashed flying saucer. Brazel was foreman of the Foster Ranch. The pieces were spread out over a large area, perhaps more than…
Roswell: wissen Sie wirklich was 1947 abstuerzte?
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The Real Roswell Crashed-saucer Coverup - Philip J. Klass - Google Books
The coverup at Roswell is finally revealed! For years the public has been led to believe that the U.S. government and the military have tried to cover up the recovery of a crashed saucer and its alien occupants from near Roswell, New Mexico. This belief…
The Real Roswell Crashed-saucer Coverup - Philip J. Klass - Google Books
The coverup at Roswell is finally revealed! For years the public has been led to believe that the U.S. government and the military have tried to cover up the recovery of a crashed saucer and its alien occupants from near Roswell, New Mexico. This belief…
Elefant im Garten - DER SPIEGEL 45/1995
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The Roswell incident - Charles Berlitz, William L. Moore - Google Books
Documents the story of a manned UFO landing in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, maintaining that the remains of the vehicle and its passengers were seized by the government for investigation and that the results were never released
FULL CIRCLE - James Gill - Part One.flv - YouTube
An unprecedented look into the world of a true pop art icon. Witness his incredible journey from a small town in Texas to the bright lights of Hollywood. Rub...
Applied Remote Sensing for Urban Planning, Governance and Sustainability - Google Books
Despite the promising and exciting possibilities presented by new and fast-developing remote sensing technologies applied to urban areas, there is still a gap perceived between the generally academic and research-focused spectrum of results offered by the…
Zweitausendeins. Filmlexikon FILME von A-Z - Visitors - Besucher aus einer anderen Welt
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Roswell-Zwischenfall 1947: Aliens im Anflug? Ufo oder doch Wetterballon? - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Aliens im Anflug! 1947 stürzte bei Roswell im US-Bundesstaat New Mexico ein mysteriöses Flugobjekt ab. Erst sprach die Armee von einem Ufo, dann von einem Wetterballon. Doch bis heute haben die Einheimischen gute Gründe, den amtlichen Beteuerungen nicht zu…