10 Ergebnisse für: byzan
DigiZeitschriften: Inhaltsverzeichnis
DigiZeitschriften - Das deutsche digitale Zeitschriftenarchiv - stellt deutsche Kernzeitschriften von großer wissenschaftlicher Bedeutung für den direkten Nutzerzugriff über das WWW bereit. Die Zeitschriften stammen aus folgenden Fachgebieten: Anglistik,…
ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="0007-7712"
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
The Byzantine Empire, 1025-1204: A Political History - Michael Angold - Google Books
A fully updated second edition of this acclaimed political history of the Byzantine Empire which weaves social, economic, cultural trends and foreign politics into its broad narrative. Michael Angold has enriched his original study with the findings of a…
Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries, AD 610-1071 - Romilly James Heald Jenkins, Medieval Academy of America - Google Books
Originally published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1966. Focusing on the middle period in Byzantium's eleven-century history as its most imperial era, Jenkins considers a number of events that changed the course of world history: the repulse of the Saracens…
The Ladder of Paradise - Escala al paraíso - YouTube
http://www.imperiobizantino.com/byzantium A John Klimax book. Images from byzantine icon. Demons launched a surprise attack on the heavenly ladder. Thousands...
The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society, 1204-1453 - Mark C. Bartusis - Google Books
Mark C. Bartusis opens an extraordinary window on the Byzantine Empire during its last centuries by providing the first comprehensive treatment of the dying empire's military. The late Byzantine period was a time characterized by both civil strife and…
The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society, 1204-1453 - Mark C. Bartusis - Google Books
Mark C. Bartusis opens an extraordinary window on the Byzantine Empire during its last centuries by providing the first comprehensive treatment of the dying empire's military. The late Byzantine period was a time characterized by both civil strife and…
The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late ... - John V. A. Fine, John Van Antwerp Fine - Google Books
Discusses the development of ethnic nationalism among Bulgars, Croatians, Serbians, and Macedonians
A History of the Byzantine State and Society - Warren T. Treadgold - Google Books
This is the first comprehensive and up-to-date history of Byzantium to appear in almost sixty years, and the first ever to cover both the Byzantine state and Byzantine society. It begins in A.D. 285, when the emperor Diocletian separated what became…
Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst (17.1904)
: Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst; Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)