1,093 Ergebnisse für: capable
Starship | Earth to Earth - YouTube
Starship will be capable of taking people from any city to any other city on Earth in under one hour.
US: N. Korean Nuclear ICBM Achievable
US intelligence believes North Korea is capable of miniaturizing a nuclear weapon and putting it on its KN-08 intercontinental ballistic missile
Senator Dean Heller Endorses Marco Rubio for President | Facebook
“Marco Rubio is the next generation of conservative leadership in this country. I’ve become convinced that he’s the candidate capable of uniting cons
Murata Boy, the Robot that can Ride Bicycles - YouTube
Thanks for Subscribing! Murata Boy, is a robot capable of riding bicycles unassisted. Balancing, pedaling and directing the bicyclee, turning the bike to avo...
capable - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch
Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'capable' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten ✓ Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen ✓ Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer ✓
Keyed Didgeridoo on Tomorrow's World - YouTube
Graham Wiggins built the world's first "keyed didgeridoo", capable of playing melodies and basslines, and unveiled it publicly for the first time on a Britis...
re:publica 2012 - Eben Moglen - Freedom of Thought Requires Free Media - YouTube
Media that spy on and data-mine the public are capable of destroying humanity's most precious freedom: freedom of thought. Ensuring that media remain structu...
India's missile woman: The force behind Agni V - YouTube
She led the team to the successful launch of the nuclear-capable Agni V missile, thus putting India just steps away from the exclusive Inter-Continental Ball...
XK-11 South Korea New Rifle - YouTube
XK-11 South Korea Next-generation Rifle The XK-11 is capable of firing both 5.56mm ammunition and 20mm high-explosive ammunition through a single trigger wit...
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Demos is a think-tank focused on power and politics. Our work is driven by the goal of a society populated by free, capable, secure and powerful citizens.