58 Ergebnisse für: ccxvii
Schreiber, Heinrich [Hrsg.]: Urkundenbuch der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau (Bd. 1, Abth. 2) (1828) (Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., TM 71/57-1,2 und TM 88/5735-1,2) - Freiburger historische Bestände - digital - Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
Urkundenbuch der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau (Bd. 1, Abth. 2)
Schreiber, Heinrich [Hrsg.]: Urkundenbuch der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau (Bd. 1, Abth. 2) (1828) (Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg i. Br., TM 71/57-1,2 und TM 88/5735-1,2) - Freiburger historische Bestände - digital - Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
Urkundenbuch der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau (Bd. 1, Abth. 2)
Category:217 – Wikimedia Commons
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Missale Lubicense - Stadtbibliothek Lübeck
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Biblia Dat is: De gantze hil-lige Schrifft Düdesch. - Digitales Portal - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
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Rudimentum Novitiorum - Stadtbibliothek Lübeck
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Encyclopedia of Folk Heroes - Graham Seal - Google Books
A wide-ranging and detailed investigation of folk heroes, both fictional and historical, from the earliest times to the present, taken from societies throughout the world as they exist in folktales, folksongs, customs, speech, and other folklore genres. *…
State Insolvency and Foreign Bondholders: Selected Case Histories of ... - William H. Wynne - Google Books
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Protein Misfolding, Aggregation and Conformational Diseases: Part B ... - Google Books
The second volume continues to fill the gap in protein review and protocol literature. It does this while summarizing recent achievements in the understanding of the relationships between protein misfoldings, aggregation, and development of protein…
Growth, Dissolution and Pattern Formation in Geosystems - Google Books
This book is the proceedings of the 11th Kongsberg seminar, held at the Norwegian Mining Museum in the city of Kongsberg, about 70 km Southwest of Oslo. The Kongs berg district is known for numerous Permian vein deposits, rich in native silver. Mining…