5 Ergebnisse für: chokepoints
Germany’s F125 Special Forces and Stabilization Frigates
F125 Concept(click to expand) Over the last decade, a belief has taken root in global naval circles that shallow littoral chokepoints for maritime trade, operations in and around failed states like Somalia, and expeditionary stabilization operations,…
Trevor Paglen fotografiert die Unterseekabel, die von der NSA angezapft werden - VICE
Die Spionage der NSA findet nicht in einem abstrakten Raum statt, sondern genau hier.
Tyranny - Test, Rollenspiel, PC - 4Players.de
Shadowrun Dragonfall (2014), Wasteland 2 (2014), Divinity: Original Sin (2014), Pillars of Eternity (2015), The Age of Decadence (2015). Wer hätte gedacht, dass das isometrische Rollenspiel sechzehn Jahre (!) nach Baldur\'s Gate 2 nochmal so eine…
LEMV Airship Sold Back to Manufacturer for a Song, and Future Data
The rise of modern terrorism, sharply increasing costs to recruit and equip professional soldiers, and issues of energy security, are forcing 2 imperatives on modern armies. Modern militaries need to be able to watch wide areas for very long periods of…
The US Navy’s Mobile Landing Platform Ships (MLP)
The Montford Point Class Mobile Landing Platform is intended to be a new class and type of auxiliary support ship, as part of the US Navy's Maritime Prepositioning Force of the Future (MPF-F) program. They're intended to serve as a transfer station or…