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Cookbook71 Ergebnisse für: cookbooks
How to Cook your Life Trailer - YouTube
A Zen priest from Fairfax, California. Wise, clever and often surprisingly wrathful: Edward Espe Brown. Author of the famous Tassajara cookbooks, philosopher...
Category:Cookbooks – Wikimedia Commons
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Multicultural Cookbook of Life-Cycle Celebrations - Lois Sinaiko Webb - Google Books
While the literary world is filled with international cookbooks, as well as cookbooks for children, none combine both features as does Multicultural Cookbook of Life-Cycle Celebrations. A companion volume to popular earlier cookbooks by Oryx, this new…
Culinary Landmarks: A Bibliography of Canadian Cookbooks, 1825-1949 - Elizabeth Driver - Google Books
Culinary Landmarks is a definitive history and bibliography of Canadian cookbooks from the beginning, when La cuisinière bourgeoise was published in Quebec City in 1825, to the mid-twentieth century. Over the course of more than ten years Elizabeth Driver…
Heavenly Fragrance: Cooking with Aromatic Asian Herbs, Fruits, Spices and ... - Carol Selva Rajah - Google Books
Heavenly Fragrance introduces the art of using Asia's most aromatic cooking ingredients to prepare food with wonderful fragrances to excite both the palate and sense of smell. Since over three quarters of what we taste in fact comes from smell, the aromas…
»The Great American Love Affair« | Zeithistorische Forschungen
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Food Culture in Colonial Asia: A Taste of Empire - Cecilia Leong-Salobir - Google Books
Presenting a social history of colonial food practices in India, Malaysia and Singapore, this book discusses the contribution that Asian domestic servants made towards the development of this cuisine between 1858 and 1963. Domestic cookbooks, household…
Publikationen der UdS: Translatorische Wirkung : ein Beitrag zum Verständnis von Übersetzungsgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte am Beispiel deutscher Übersetzungen französischer Kochbücher in der Frühen Neuzeit
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The Oxford Handbook of Food History - Google Books
The historical study of food, culture, and society has become established within the academy based on a generation of high-quality scholarship. Following the foundational work of the French Annales school, the International Committee for the Research into…