24 Ergebnisse für: cymes
NS-Ärzte: Experimente an KZ-Insassen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
In unvorstellbar grausamen Experimenten töteten und quälten Ärzte im "Dritten Reich" unter dem Deckmantel der Forschung. Medizinische Institute leugneten ihre dunkle Vergangenheit - über viele Jahrzehnte.
Clematis, the Genus: A Comprehensive Guide for Gardeners, Horticulturists ... - C. Grey-Wilson - Google Books
Clematis is the most popular of all garden climbers, a popularity that is undoubtedly due to the astonishing range of varieties available. This new book stresses the species of Clematis, unlike The Gardener's Guide to Growing Clematis (page 27), which…
Denkfabrik - Google-Suche
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Denkfabrik - Google-Suche
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
The Families of Flowering Plants - Menyanthaceae Dum.
Description of Menyanthaceae Dum., generated from a DELTA database.
1. Braunschweiger Linuxtage
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Angiosperm families - Pedaliaceae R. Br.
Description of Pedaliaceae R. Br., generated from a DELTA database.
Angiosperm families - Cornaceae Dum.
Description of Cornaceae Dum., generated from a DELTA database.
Basil: The Genus Ocimum - Google Books
Covering all the research areas regarding Ocimum such as botany, chemistry and pharmacology, this book will be of interest to everybody involved in medicinal and aromatic plant research or related fields.
Flowering Plants · Dicotyledons: Lamiales (except Acanthaceae including ... - Google Books
In this volume, 24 flowering plant families comprising a total of 911 genera are treated. They represent the asterid order Lamiales except for Acanthaceae (including Avicenniaceae), which will be included in a later volume. Although most of the constituent…