7 Ergebnisse für: dargast
:: sculpture@CityNord | Gerrit Peters
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Urban Discipline 2000: graffiti-art - Mirko Reisser, Gerrit Peters, Heiko Zahlmann, Susan Farell, David Kammerer - Google Books
The catalogue to the Urban Discipline 2000 exhibition consists of 96 pages and contains detailed portrayals of the 27 artists involved, their works and the exhibition itself. The artists’ portrayals are several pages long and feature informative…
Urban Discipline 2000: graffiti-art - Mirko Reisser, Gerrit Peters, Heiko Zahlmann, Susan Farell, David Kammerer - Google Books
The catalogue to the Urban Discipline 2000 exhibition consists of 96 pages and contains detailed portrayals of the 27 artists involved, their works and the exhibition itself. The artists’ portrayals are several pages long and feature informative…
Urban Discipline 2001: graffiti-art - Mirko Reisser, Gerrit Peters, Heiko Zahlmann - Google Books
Exhibition catalogueWith its hardcover, additional pages and unusual format, the catalogue to the Urban Discipline 2001 exhibition was considerably more elaborate than its predecessors.Its 120 pages served to present the 22 artists involved…
Liste der teilnehmenden Schiffe zur Hanse Sail 2006 • Schiffbildarchiv • SchiffsSpotter.de
Liste der teilnehmenden Schiffe zur Hanse Sail 2006 - alle teilnehmenden Schiffe zur 16. Hanse Sail Rostock vom 10. bis 13. August 2006 293 Schiffe waren gemeldet Gaffelschoner Abel Tasman Schilfboot Abora 2...
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Uiguren in China: Lebenslang für Bürgerrechtler Ilham Tohti - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Lebenslang für Bürgerrechtler Ilham Tohti: China hat den letzten gemäßigten Aktivisten der muslimischen Uiguren ins Gefängnis gesteckt - und so die Radikalen gestärkt.