52 Ergebnisse für: denominator
HCSM 2018 : Cultural Heritage Centre - BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
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America's Meltdown: The Lowest-common-denominator Society - John Boghosian Arden - Google Books
As entertainers, corporations, and even the government pander to the lowest common denominator, American life becomes increasingly vicarious, prefabricated, and bereft of meaning. This book examines contemporary American consciousness, considering the…
Call for Papers : Cultural Heritage Centre - BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
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Lehrstuhl Kunstgeschichte Trier - Schnittmengen
Lehrstuhl Kunstgeschichte Trier an der Universität Trier
Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism in the Contemporary World - Google Livres
With its origins in a conference organized by the Institute of Jewish Affairs in London, this book asks if a common denominator can be found between the anti-Semitism that has existed through the ages and more contemporary forms of anti-Zionism.
Melodrama Unveiled: American Theater and Culture, 1800-1850 - David Grimsted - Google Books
David Grimsted's Melodrama Unveiled explores early American drama to try to understand why such severely limited plays were so popular for so long. Concerned with both the plays and the dramatic settings that gave them life, Grimsted offers us rich…
Melodrama Unveiled: American Theater and Culture, 1800-1850 - David Grimsted - Google Books
David Grimsted's Melodrama Unveiled explores early American drama to try to understand why such severely limited plays were so popular for so long. Concerned with both the plays and the dramatic settings that gave them life, Grimsted offers us rich…
The University Arithmetic: Embracing the Science of Numbers, and Their ... - Charles Davies - Google Books
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Dictionary of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences, According to the ... - Google Books
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