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- | Wissensplattform für Geo- und Montanwissenschaften ( ist die gröÃte nichtkommerziell betriebene deutschsprachige Informationsplattform für Geo- und Montanwissenschaften. Kernbereiche der Website sind von verschiedenen Autoren erstellte Fachtexte sowie Fotoarchive. Zudem…
An Archaeology of Ancestors: Tomb Cult and Hero Cult in Early Greece - Carla M. Antonaccio - Google Books
In this fresh consideration of the origins of the ancient Greeks' ideas and practices concerning their own past, Carla M. Antonaccio demonstrates that hero cult and ancestor cult persisted, throughout the Iron Age, long before epic poetry's heroic…
An Archaeology of Ancestors: Tomb Cult and Hero Cult in Early Greece - Carla M. Antonaccio - Google Books
In this fresh consideration of the origins of the ancient Greeks' ideas and practices concerning their own past, Carla M. Antonaccio demonstrates that hero cult and ancestor cult persisted, throughout the Iron Age, long before epic poetry's heroic…
- - Ihr Isotope Shop
Electromagnetic Separation of Radioactive Isotopes als Buch von, Isotopes in Condensed Matter als Buch von Vladimir G. Plekhanov, International Conference on Isotopes and Environmental Studies als eBook Download von, CNO Isotopes in Astrophysics als…
Saddam's Word : The Political Discourse in Iraq: The Political Discourse in Iraq - Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies Tel Aviv University Ofra Bengio Senior Research Fellow - Google Books
This is the first serious attempt to understand modern Iraq through a close examination of the political discourse used by the Ba'th regime and its leader, Saddam Hussein. By analyzing political terms, concepts, and idioms as disseminated through the…
Red Stars: Personality and the Soviet Popular Song, 1955-1991 - David MacFadyen, Associate Dean for Health Policy David Macfadyen - Google Books,+1955-1991&s
David MacFadyen delves into influential and widely disseminated songs that had a profound social significance in the Soviet Union. He discusses each singer's life, showing what it was that made them famous while placing the differences in their careers and…
- - Ihr Schizophrenia Shop
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Isolierte disseminierte Tumorzellen im Knochenmark von Brustkrebspatientinnen: Methodik, Biologie und klinische Relevanz
Zusammenfassung Trotz wesentlicher Fortschritte in der systemischen Therapie des Mammakarzinoms und deutlicher Prognoseverbesserung sind Rezidive nach oft langer Latenzzeit für diese Erkrankung charakteristisch. Ausgangspunkt für eine...
Luther and Copernicus
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