13 Ergebnisse für: ea's
Anthem Official Gameplay Reveal (2017) - YouTube
See more of Anthem at EA Play on June 9th: https://youtu.be/qw16v3oGXso In Anthem™, a new shared-world action-RPG from EA's BioWare studio, team up with frie...
Latest NBA 2K16 news is everything that is wrong with the NBA 2K series
The 2K sports franchises used to have a stellar reputation. NFL 2K and NBA 2K long-served as safe havens from the inconsistency and frustration that EA's counterparts offered. While NFL 2K was put aside due to licensing deals, NBA 2K has be...
EA buys Respawn Entertainment, makers of "Titanfall" and a new "Star Wars" game - Business Insider Deutschland
After canceling a major "Star Wars" project and shutting down Visceral Games, EA wants to make sure that doesn't happen again by buying Respawn Entertainment.
Theme Park World Fehlerbehebung für Windows 2000/XP
Fehlerbehebung beim Absturz von Theme Park World zum Desktop.
EA CEO John Riccitiello On Gaming Microtransactions - YouTube
This is a portion of a speech EA CEO John Riccitiello gave at a stockholder's meeting, in which he talks about Microtransactions and how effective they are i...
PSA: SimCitys launch - YouTube
A quick warning about the state of the game upon its US launch.
Female Game Developer's response to Tropes vs Women - YouTube
As a female game developer, I give my take on Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes vs. Women video series. I noticed a lot of response videos pick apart Anita's researc...
HLP | News | Entwickler: Valve hat einen Publisher: EA
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Harassment - Why Gaming Struggles to Escape Toxicity - Extra Credits - YouTube
Why is there so much bullying, misogyny, and hate speech associated with the gaming community? There are a variety of possible solutions to overcome needless...
Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games - YouTube
Please watch: "The Courageous Life of Ida B. Wells #OrdinaryWomen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ip-SEYvRTA -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- This video explores how the Da...