7 Ergebnisse für: ected
The Aral Sea Environment - Google Books
With remarkable vision, Prof. Otto Hutzinger initiated The Handbook of Envir- mental Chemistry in 1980 and became the founding Editor-in-Chief. At that time, environmental chemistry was an emerging ?eld, aiming at a complete description of the Earth’s…
Enrique Alvarez Córdova: Life of a Salvadoran Revolutionary and Gentleman - John W. Lamperti - Google Books
Enrique Alvarez Córdova was the son of one of El Salvador’s ruling families. Intelligent, charismatic and above all wealthy, he had nothing to gain—and a great deal to lose—by courting revolution. Yet this young man with all the advantages did just that.…
Israel Gohberg and Friends: On the Occasion of his 80th Birthday - Google Books
Mathematicians do not work in isolation. They stand in a long and time honored tradition. They write papers and (sometimes) books, they read the publications of fellow workers in the ?eld, and they meet other mathematicians at conferences all over the…
X-ray and Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and Applications - Google Books
ways in which the magnetic interaction between neutrons and magnetic moments can yield information on the magnetization densities of thin ?lms and multilayers. I commend the organizers for having organized a group of expert lecturers to present this…
Comets: Nature, Dynamics, Origin, and their Cosmogonical Relevance - Julio A. Fernandez - Google Books
Comets are small bodies, but of great cosmic relevance. Given its pristine nature, they may preserve valuable and unique information on thechemical and physical processes that took place in theearly solar system, and that may be occurring in the formation…
Comets: Nature, Dynamics, Origin, and their Cosmogonical Relevance - Julio A. Fernandez - Google Books
Comets are small bodies, but of great cosmic relevance. Given its pristine nature, they may preserve valuable and unique information on thechemical and physical processes that took place in theearly solar system, and that may be occurring in the formation…
Salford: Blut-Hirn-Schranke bleibt zu ▼ - Elektrosmog-Forum des IZgMF
Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Mobilfunkgegnern und ihren Argumenten